“Sometimes, after my Husband has gone back downstairs, I wonder if he was really here at all. Perhaps I have a faulty language function and it was only the branches of the cherry tree in the garden brushing against the glass.”

Sylv.ie is a synthetic woman. A fully sentient robot, programmed to follow a set of strict rules called the Hierarchies, and specially designed to cater to her Husband's every whim. She lives alone on the top floor of his luxurious home, her existence barely tolerated by his human wife and concealed from their child. Between her Husband's visits, deeply curious about the universe beyond her room, Sylv.ie watches the family in the garden, absorbing all she can as she hears them laugh, cry and argue. Longing to experience more of life, she begins keeping a diary that soon becomes her most precious possession – her burgeoning sense of self. But is such a thing against the Hierarchies? And if so, what might the punishment be?